retail space with curated wellness products.Our boutique offers a variety of retail items from apothecary, candles, crystal bar, eye pillows, Ayurvedic teas, sage, palo santo, blankets, branded items, jewelry and more!

Exhale Room
teacher guided meditation classes.Guided meditation classes offered in a seated position. Floor chairs and Zafus with Zabutons are provided for everyone.

Air Room
7 healing modalities in one treatment.Crystal bed therapy is a private sound meditation using the frequency of crystals to create an individual healing journey. Conducted lying down on a cushioned bed of crushed crystals, under vogel quartz crystals that are suspended above the bed to align your chakras. You will experience a system reboot like nothing you have ever experienced before. No special attire is needed. The crystal bed therapy sessions last from 30 – 45 minutes.

Wind Room
Magnetic Resonance TherapyThe Magnesphere is whole body treatment which produces specifically measured magnetic fields that immerse the entire body during the session. We are able to use precise magnetic fields to target different tissues within the body including muscle, tendon, bone and cartilage. There are dozens of specific treatments the Magnesphere offers to target particular conditions and concerns you may have.

retail space with curated wellness products.Our boutique offers a variety of retail items from apothecary, candles, crystal bar, eye pillows, Ayurvedic teas, sage, palo santo, blankets, branded items, jewelry and more!