Michelle Marshall

Meditation Teacher
Meditation Teacher Training, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Certification with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach

Michelle began meditating in the Vipassana and Theravada traditions in 2009 and credits meditation with enabling her to finally heal a lot of personal trauma. She currently leads the monthly Women’s Circle at Breathe, which fosters a community of connection and support for women of all backgrounds. She has attended residential retreats at Dharmagiri and The Buddhist Retreat Center in South Africa, as well as Vallecitos in New Mexico and Gaia House in England. Michelle is a self-employed professional photographer based in Dallas, where she lives, along with her husband, and fur-baby Gus. She enjoys hiking, traveling, reading, and is always up for trying something new!

Favorite Quote: “The quieter you become, the more you hear.”  Ram Dass