Self Love Sound Bath
Pour into your cup. Fill up your heart. What we pour in is what we be pour out.
The deeper, more honest connection we have to our own heart sets the foundation for more authentic and compassionate connections we are able to make outside of ourselves. Join meditation and sound guide, Jacquelyn Maitland in an evening of honoring the most important relationship in your life – the one you have with yourself. If you feel depleted or stuck, give back to your mind, body and spirit in this one-hour sound bath experience as we honor and accept the fullness of our hearts. We will pour love inwards so we are more able and willing to pour love outwards.
The more healing and pouring of love inwards acts as a ripple, wave and current that carries out from our being. Our relationships shift, family dynamics heal, communities come together and we all drink from the same well. The Source of Life to which every heart beats to – LOVE!
Monday, October 3rd