Safe Space is a project created by Ana Jones and Joseph Maul to hold conversations in spaces where individuals from all walks of life are invited to share their stories, struggles, worries and concerns about any and all aspects of life.The intention of this meeting is to hold space for those who want support on their life journey and what it means to be human – we are more connected than we think.
This is a space for all, to connect, open your heart and be of support. We come together to have conversations around topics that every human being experiences yet for some reason we keep quiet and pretend that none of us go through it. Tonight we break the stigma of hiding our struggles and fears. Tonight we step into a space of openness and compassion, reminding ourselves that we one heals, we all heal.
This gathering will be led by Ana Jones and Joseph Maul — both graduates from Breathe’s Meditation Teacher Training. Ana is an Emotional Freedom Coach, meditation teacher and mental health podcaster. Joseph is a meditation teacher who focuses on managing individuals in the corporate world with stress and anxiety through his personalized programs.