Exploring Tantra

Saturday, March 19th, 5:30-7:00PM



In this movement workshop with Douchka Lecot, we will explore the tradition of Kashmiri yoga. Kashmiri is a non-postural form of yoga which develops a movement in three stages, culminating in Tandava (divine dance).

It is an extremely slow, completely free practice which brings about a release of the body into a space to experience an absence of limits, and leads to non-dual awareness. You will leave this workshop feeling empowered and embodied.

“In the tantric approach, we don’t see the body as something separated from the cosmos. We have practices to feel the Spanda, or vibration, on an intimate level. When we are vibrating, we realize that the whole world is vibration too and consciousness. From this point, there is no split between the inside and the outside, which is the core of all mystical experience.” – Daniel Odier


Saturday, March 19th
5:30 – 7:00PM