Holotropic Breathwork®

Saturday, August 9th, 9:00-6:00PM $175

Join one of only five certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitators in the State of Texas, Stephenie Purnell, Founder of Spiritus 8® in our first Holotropic Breathwork® event. Together...

“I am the knowledge of my inquiry.” ~The Thunder, Perfect Mind

Join one of only five certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitators in the State of Texas, Stephenie Purnell, Founder of Spiritus 8® in our first Holotropic Breathwork® event. Together we will take a journey into expanded states of consciousness using the ancient technology of breath. Working in these states can radically self-empower individuals to improve cognitive function, heal physical & emotional trauma, nurture growth & development, achieve peak performance, and experience unity.

During work in expanded states through Holotropic Breathwork, the brain can self-correct, reorganize structurally, and rewire its synaptic connections. Inner healing wisdom is harnessed so that we can reach our fullest potential. Boundaries, a sense of separation, and isolation fall away. We are able to access our true nature and gain a larger perspective that affords more flexibility in how we respond to life.


Holotropic Breathwork® is a powerful approach to self-exploration and radical self-empowerment. Taken from the Greek words “trepein” meaning moving toward, and “holos” meaning whole, the name ‘Holotropic’ means moving toward wholeness.

Integrating insights from anthropology, psychedelic research, transpersonal and depth psychologies, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions of the world, Holotropic Breathwork® mobilizes intrinsic healing forces in the psyche and the body. As the process unfolds, the “inner healer” manifests therapeutic wisdom which transcends any knowledge that can be derived from cognitive understanding or psychotherapy. Integrating this wisdom moves participants toward positive transformation and wholeness.

Phenomena from all domains of the human psyche, including biographical, perinatal and transpersonal dimensions are available. Transcending their sense of ego-identity and separation, participants often report having “breakthrough experiences” that allow connectivity, clarity, expansion, engagement, and creativity. Trauma is resolved through the amplification and release of symptoms. Limiting beliefs are negated while mindset is restructured.


Holotropic Breathwork® combines accelerated breathing with evocative music in a special set and setting. With the eyes closed and lying on a mat, each person uses their own breath and the music in the room to enter an expanded state of consciousness. With inner healing intelligence guiding the process, the quality and content brought forth is unique to each individual.

Within a group setting, people work in pairs alternating in the roles of “breather” and “sitter.” The sitter’s role is to serve as a sacred witness, simply being present and available to the breather. The sitter does not interfere, interrupt, or try to guide the process. The same is true for trained facilitators who keep the participants safe and help when necessary. Additional elements of the process include energy release and integration practices such as mandala drawing.


An email will be sent to all participants outlining the History, Theoretical Framework, and Different Types of Experiences that participants may have during Holotropic Breathwork.


Saturday, August 9th, 2025
9:00AM – 6:00PM

9 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Opening Circle, Introductions, Preparation. and Diad Selection
9:45 a.m.- 12:45 p.m. First Holotropic Breathwork Session
12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Artwork Integration and Lunch
1:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Second Holotropic Breathwork Session
4:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Artwork Integration

5:15 p.m. – 6 p.m. Sharing Circle


 Stephenie and Karen will also be available by phone, zoom, email, and text for any post-breathwork questions and support.

***Please bring: eyeshade, water bottle, blanket, pillow, and anything you would like to contribute to the alter Dress: comfortable clothing, layers recommended as body temperature may fluctuate.


One of only five certified Holotropic Breathwork® facilitators in the State of Texas and the only certified Trance Movement facilitator in the United States, Stephenie is in her fourteenth yer of doing deep, internal work through expanded states of consciousness. She spent over five years and 700+ hours training to bring this magic to others and is an expert in creating safe containers to help her students go deeper.

A lifelong student of philosophy, Stephenie has a daily practice revolving around spiritual and philosophical texts. She is particularly interested in the intersection of science, religion, and spirituality at the mystical level. A Perennialist, Stephenie believes in one overarching truth accessed by many paths.

In addition to her certifications in Holotropic Breathwork® and Trance Movement, Stephenie holds a degree in Communications with an Emphasis in Public Relations from Southern Methodist University and a Paralegal Certificate with a Specialty in Civil Litigation from the National Center for Paralegal Training. Stephenie spent 22 years working in law firms as a paralegal, legal assistant, and legal recruiter. She went on to a successful career in higher education fundraising at The University of Texas at Austin, Southern Methodist University, The University of Colorado at Boulder, and St. John’s College in Santa Fe.


1. Helping her overcome a life-threatening addiction to alcohol by serving as a reorganizing psychospiritual principle in her life, creating new neuropathways in her brain, and negating maladaptive coping mechanisms.

2. Leading to her success as a fundraiser in higher education. Through her work she learned how to hold space for donors so that they could share the most intimate details of their lives. Through this process they were able to align their philanthropy with what was meaningful to them.

3. Teaching her how to support and serve as a sacred witness for others during transcendent and difficult life experiences. One of Stephenie’s greatest honors was to sit with her mother during the last hours of her life.

“This work not only saved my life.. IT GAVE ME A LIFE WORTH LIVING.” ~Stephenie B. Purnell