Capricorn Full Moon Kundalini Immersion

Tuesday, August 1st, 7:00-9:00PM



Are you enjoying the prosperity that life on planet Earth promises? Tap into the energies of the Full Moon in Capricorn with this powerful immersive Kundalini Yoga & Meditation experience. Join kundalini teacher Ananda Savitri Kaur in this practice to become a magnet for money & business and align your energy with the frequency of this area. This will be an immersive experience that will include the following:

— Instruction and practice of the Sanskrit prosperity mantra

— Guided Kriya

— Deep Relaxation and Meditation

— Tuning your personal electromagnetic field to prosperity and business

— Fixing your relationship to money and power

— Connecting with the Universal electromagnetic field

— Tea and reflection time

What You Will Walk Away With:

— Personal relationship with and experience of the Prosperity Mantra

— Changed psyche around prosperity, business, money, and power

— Brain neurons changed to the pattern of success

— Energetic equivalent to 40 days practice of this set

The Master said Kundalini Yoga and Meditation awakens the dormant excellence of a person, and through that personal experience of their own excellence, a person finds very real natural healing and abundance in their life.  Think of it like a physical body practice of the Law Of Attraction and a powerful practice in raising the vibration on a cellular level.  Pregnancy and menstruation are special conditions, please speak to your teacher before class if these conditions apply to you so that you receive the necessary support.

All props will be provided for you. All you need to bring is a willingness and intention to make a change in your life.

Tuesday, August 1st